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Okta Classic Engine API release notes (2024)


Weekly release 2024.08.1

Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Bug fixed in 2024.08.1 August 14, 2024

Bug fixed in 2024.08.1

Requests to list client secrets (/api/v1/apps/{appId}/credentials/secrets) and get a client secret (/api/v1/apps/{appId}/credentials/secrets/{id}) didn't fire a System Log event when the client secrets were returned in the response.

Monthly release 2024.08.0

Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Extended support for TLS certificates and private keys for custom domains August 7, 2024
Enforce an email verification when a user's email changes August 7, 2024
New System Log API property for target object is GA Production August 7, 2024
Request throttling for jwks_uri August 7, 2024
System Log events updates August 7, 2024
System Log update for requests made with access tokens August 7, 2024
Updated Universal Directory System Log events August 7, 2024
Bugs fixed in 2024.08.0 August 7, 2024

Extended support for TLS certificates and private keys for custom domains

Custom domains now support TLS certificates and private keys that are 2048, 3072, and 4096 bits.

Enforce an email verification when a user's email changes

Each time that a user attempts to update their email, Okta sends an email to verify that their primary or secondary email address is up to date.

New System Log API property for target object is GA Production

Certain system log events now contain a new property called changeDetails in the target object. When this property is populated, it reflects new, changed, or removed attributes of the target resource that has been modified. See changeDetails property.

Request throttling for jwks_uri

Okta has decreased the frequency at which it reloads JWKs from a customer's jwks_uri.

System Log events updates

The following System Log events are now available:

  • application.provision.group_push.deactivate_mapping

  • system.agent.register

  • security.attack_protection.settings.update

  • system.self_service.configuration.update

  • user.behavior.profile.reset

  • system.identity_sources.bulk_upsert

  • system.identity_sources.bulk_delete

  • system.import.user_match.confirm

  • system.import.schedule

  • system.import.user_match.unignore

  • system.import.user_match.update

  • The application.lifecycle.update event now has the sessionIdleTimeoutMinutes and sessionMaxLifetimeMinutes fields. These fields add more session details to the event.

See Event types (opens new window).

System Log update for requests made with access tokens

The client ID used to get an access token is now included in all System Logs for requests made with that access token.

Updated Universal Directory System Log events

System Log events are generated when the following endpoints are called:

  • POST /api/v1/groups/{id}/owners

  • DELETE /api/v1/groups/{id}/owners/{ownerId}

  • POST /api/v1/meta/types/user/{id}

  • PUT /api/v1/meta/types/user/{id}

  • PUT /api/v1/users/{id}/linkedObjects/{property}/{value}

  • DELETE /api/v1/users/{id}/linkedObjects/{property}

Bugs fixed in 2024.08.0

  • Custom IdP profile attribute updates didn't validate the mandatory externalName property. (OKTA-690190)

  • System Log events from a token exchange request were missing information about the subject and actor tokens. (OKTA-687172)


Weekly release 2024.07.1

Change Expected in Preview Orgs
New IP service categories added July 17, 2024
Bugs fixed in 2024.07.1 July 17, 2024

New IP service categories added

Additional IP service categories have been added to the enhanced dynamic zones IP service category list (opens new window).

Bugs fixed in 2024.07.1

  • If an API request in Preview contained any malformed syntax within the query string, the request was still processed. (OKTA-748246)

  • Authenticators returned by GET requests to the /idp/myaccount/authenticators and /idp/myaccount/authenticators/{authenticatorId} endpoints had the enrollable property set to true. (OKTA-718177)

Monthly release 2024.07.0

Change Expected in Preview Orgs
OIN Submission Tester copy function update July 10, 2024
OIN Wizard guidance updates July 10, 2024
Identity Threat Protection with Okta AI is GA in Production April 3, 2024
Network zone allowlists for SSWS API tokens is GA Preview July 10, 2024
Network Zones and API token restrictions July 10, 2024
Read-only admins can't use the Principal Rate Limits API to update API tokens July 10, 2024
Event hook limit increased July 10, 2024
Active Directory Bidirectional Group Management API is GA in Production July 10, 2024

OIN Submission Tester copy function update

The copy function in the OIN Submission Tester Network Traffic results section now provides the option to copy the request step either as a URL or a cURL command. See Run tests in the OIN Submission Tester.

OIN Wizard guidance updates

A new link to the Okta Documentation (opens new window) has been added to the SAML properties section of the OIN Wizard. Okta documentation provides guidance on Okta Expression Language usage in SAML properties with integration variables. See Dynamic properties with Okta Expression Language (opens new window).

Identity Threat Protection with Okta AI is GA in Production

Identity Threat Protection with Okta AI is a powerful risk assessment and response solution that provides post-authentication security to your org. By continuously analyzing risk signals that are native to Okta, risk signals from integrated security partner vendors, and your policy conditions, it safeguards orgs against identity attacks that occur during and outside of a user's session. When Identity Threat Protection discovers a risk, it can immediately end the user's sessions, prompt an MFA challenge, or invoke a workflow to restore your org's security posture. Using intuitive dashboard widgets and reports, you can easily monitor security threats as they happen. See Identity Thread Protection with Okta AI (opens new window). See the Shared Signals Framework (SSF) Receiver (opens new window) and SSF SET (opens new window) APIs.

Network zone allowlists for SSWS API tokens is GA Preview

Admins can now specify a network zone allowlist for each static (SSWS) API token. These allowlists define the IP addresses or network ranges from where Okta API requests using SSWS API tokens can be made. This restricts attackers and malware from stealing SSWS tokens and replaying them outside of the specified IP range to gain unauthorized access.

Network Zones and API token restrictions

You can no longer update network zones so they're invalid for use with an API token. This applies only to network zones that are used as restrictions to API tokens. You can update network zones if you first remove them from the API token restriction. These zones can't be deactivated, deleted, blocklisted, or made anything other than an active IP zone.

Read-only admins can't use the Principal Rate Limits API to update API tokens

Read-only admins can no longer use the principal rate limits endpoint (/api/v1/principal-rate-limits/{principalRateLimitId}) to update the rate limit for their own API tokens.

Event hook limit increased

The limit on active event hooks per org has been increased from 10 to 25. See Event hooks.

Active Directory Bidirectional Group Management API is GA in Production

The Bidirectional Group Management for Active Directory (AD) (Directories Integration) API (opens new window) allows you to manage AD groups from within Okta. You can add or remove users from groups based on their identity and access requirements. This ensures that changes made to user access in Okta are reflected in AD. When you use Okta Access Certifications to revoke a user's membership to an AD group, the removal is reflected in AD.

Okta can only manage group memberships for users and groups imported into Okta using the AD integration. It isn't possible to manage users and groups that weren't imported through AD integration or are outside the organizational unit's scope for the integration using this feature.


Weekly release 2024.06.2

Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Bugs fixed in 2024.06.2 July 2, 2024

Bugs fixed in 2024.06.2

  • The List all IdP key credentials API response always included a "next" link header, even if there were no more pages left to return. (OKTA-718352)

  • An app created by an API call with an existing clientId in the request payload didn't match the way an app was created in the UI. This resulted in the wrong app rate limit displayed in the rate limit dashboard. (OKTA-736117)

  • The oauth2/introspect (opens new window) endpoint hit rate limits without logging it in the System Log. (OKTA-744604)

  • The number of group members returned from the /api/v1/groups/{group_id}/users API call was inconsistent with the database query count of the same group. (OKTA-7747426)

Weekly release 2024.06.1

Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Bugs fixed in 2024.06.1 June 20, 2024

Bugs fixed in 2024.06.1

  • An error occurred during the device code flow using an external Identity Provider and an inline token hook. (OKTA-733713)

  • The security.breached_credential.detected System Log event had a typo. (OKTA-736552)

Monthly release 2024.06.0

Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Active Directory Bidirectional Group Management API is GA in Preview June 5, 2024
Seamless ISV experience with integrated testing is GA in Production June 5, 2024
Your OIN Integrations instruction updates June 5, 2024
SCIM 2.0 endpoint call update for user ResourceType requirements June 5, 2024
Increase to Inline Hooks June 5, 2024
New attribute to manage SAML app session lifetimes is GA in Preview June 5, 2024
Protected actions in the Admin Console is GA in Preview June 5, 2024
Developer documentation update in 2024.06.0 June 5, 2024
Bug fixed in 2024.06.0 June 5, 2024

Active Directory Bidirectional Group Management API is GA in Preview

The Bidirectional Group Management for Active Directory (AD) API (opens new window) allows you to manage AD groups from within Okta. You can add or remove users from groups based on their identity and access requirements. This ensures that changes made to user access in Okta are reflected in AD. When you use Okta Access Certifications to revoke a user's membership to an AD group, the removal is reflected in AD.

Okta can only manage group memberships for users and groups imported into Okta using the AD integration. It isn't possible to manage users and groups that weren't imported through AD integration or are outside the organizational unit's scope for the integration using this feature.

Seamless ISV experience with integrated testing is GA in Production

Okta now provides a seamless ISV experience to optimize the Okta Integration Network (OIN) (opens new window) submission experience for SAML and OIDC integrations. This new experience enables independent software vendors (ISVs) to build and automatically test their integration metadata before submission. This reduces the time needed for the OIN team to review and validate that the integration functions as intended, which shortens the time to publish in the OIN. This experience also incorporates communication processes in Salesforce, enabling improved collaboration internally within Okta teams and externally with ISVs. See Publish an OIN integration overview and Submit an SSO integration with the OIN Wizard guide.

Your OIN Integrations instruction updates

The instructions on how to submit your OIN integration have been updated on the Your OIN Integrations page of the Admin Console in Developer Edition orgs.

SCIM 2.0 endpoint call update for user ResourceType requirements

When using SCIM 2.0 with Entitlements, Okta no longer requires a user ResourceType value when no custom schemaExtensions are used. This applies only to SCIM 2.0 apps enabled for governance with Okta Identity Governance leveraging the /ResourceTypes endpoint.

Increase to Inline Hooks

The maximum number of inline hooks an org can create is now 100. The previous maximum was 50. See Inline hook setup.

New attribute to manage SAML app session lifetimes is GA in Preview

The SessionNotOnOrAfter parameter is an optional SAML parameter that enables the IdP to control the session at the SP. Add SessionNotOnOrAfter as an attribute in the SAML assertion to control the session lifetimes of SP apps using the Okta IdP.

Protected actions in the Admin Console is GA in Preview

The protected actions feature provides an additional layer of security to your org. It prompts admins for authentication when they perform critical tasks in the Admin Console and helps ensure that only authorized admins can perform these tasks. Super admins can configure the authentication interval for their org. See Protected actions in the Admin Console (opens new window).

Developer documentation update in 2024.06.0

Bug fixed in 2024.06.0

  • The forceAuthn parameter was ignored for org2org apps using the SAML sign-in mode and AMR claims mapping. (OKTA-711957)


Weekly release 2024.05.1

Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Enhanced Dynamic Network Zones is self-service EA May 15, 2024
Bug fixed in 2024.05.1 May 15, 2024

Enhanced Dynamic Network Zones is self-service EA

Use Enhanced Dynamic Network Zones to define IP service categories (proxies, VPNs), locations, and Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs) that are allowed or blocked in a zone. See Network Zones API (opens new window).

Bug fixed in 2024.05.1

  • Sometimes the SAML assertion lifetime couldn't be unset when the SAML Assertion Lifetime API feature was enabled. (OKTA-728316)

Monthly release 2024.05.0

Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Seamless ISV experience with integrated testing is GA in Preview May 8, 2024
PUT requests for an API token network condition is self-service EA May 8, 2024
Permissions for custom admins to manage agents is GA in Production May 8, 2024
New System Log API property for target object is GA Preview May 8, 2024
Bugs fixed in 2024.05.0 May 8, 2024

Seamless ISV experience with integrated testing is GA in Preview

Okta now provides a seamless ISV experience to optimize the Okta Integration Network (OIN) (opens new window) submission experience for SAML and OIDC integrations. This new experience enables independent software vendors (ISVs) to build and automatically test their integration metadata before submission. This reduces the time needed for the OIN team to review and validate that the integration functions as intended, which shortens the time to publish in the OIN. This experience also incorporates communication processes in Salesforce, enabling improved collaboration internally within Okta teams and externally with ISVs. See Publish an OIN integration overview and Submit an SSO integration with the OIN Wizard guide.

PUT requests for an API token network condition is self-service EA

You can now make PUT requests to the /api-tokens/{apiTokenId} endpoint to update the network condition of an API token.

Permissions for custom admins to manage agents is GA in Production

Custom admins can now view, register, and manage agents. See Permission types.

New System Log API property for target object is GA Preview

Certain system log events now contain a new property called changeDetails in the target object. When this property is populated, it reflects new, changed, or removed attributes of the target resource that has been modified. See changeDetails property.

Bugs fixed in 2024.05.0

  • When a large number of users were linked to an Identity Provider, requests to the /idps/{IdP_ID}/users endpoint timed out. (OKTA-710934)

  • POST requests to the /sessions/me/lifecycle/refresh endpoint didn't return a sid cookie. (OKTA-716839)

  • If a login pattern (opens new window) failed validation when making a request with the Schemas API, the call dropped the pattern and continued the request. (OKTA-723332)

  • The Apps API accepted 0 as a value for the samlAssertionLifetimeSeconds parameter. (OKTA-723982)


Weekly release 2024.04.3

Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Bugs fixed in 2024.04.3 May 01, 2024

Bugs fixed in 2024.04.3

  • GET policy rules (/v1/policies/{policyId}/rules) and GET a policy rule (/v1/policies/{policyId}/rules/{ruleId}) requests returned a rule with a null value for the created property. (OKTA-542919)

  • The Factors API didn't correctly return all profile.keys parameters for Okta Verify enrollments. (OKTA-694655)

  • Apps API users were able to add duplicate SAML attributeStatements when they created or updated a custom SAML 2.0 app. (OKTA-706474)

  • GET calls to /iam/roles sometimes didn't return link headers. (OKTA-712212)

  • When the First name and Last name values in a user's profile contained dots, they were clickable in emails. (OKTA-712504)

  • The /introspect endpoint response was incorrect for an access token returned by the On-Behalf-Of Token Exchange flow. (OKTA-712602)

Monthly release 2024.04.0

Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Customize Okta to use the telecommunications provider of your choice is GA in Production March 7, 2024
Permissions for custom admins to manage agents is GA in Preview April 3, 2024
Enhanced app API contracts is GA in Production April 3, 2024
Content Security Policy for custom domains is GA in Production January 31, 2024
Developer documentation update in 2024.04.0 April 3, 2024
Bug fixed in 2024.04.0 April 3, 2024

Customize Okta to use the telecommunications provider of your choice is GA in Production

While Okta provides out of the box telephony functionality, many customers need the ability to integrate their existing telecommunications provider with Okta to deliver SMS and Voice messages.

The Telephony Inline Hook allows customers to generate one-time passcodes within Okta and then use their existing telecommunications provider to deliver the messages for MFA enrollment/verification, password reset, and account unlock using SMS or Voice. This allows customers to use their existing telephony solution within Okta, due to the time they've already invested in their existing telephony solution, the need to use a specific regional provider, or simply the desire to maintain flexibility. See Connect to an external telephony service provider (opens new window).

Permissions for custom admins to manage agents is GA in Preview

Custom admins can now view, register, and manage agents. See Permission types.

Enhanced app API contracts is GA in Production

Okta has API documentation on creating instances of custom apps. Yet, it doesn't fully describe the app metadata required for features such as SSO and provisioning for apps installed from the Okta Integration Network (OIN). In an effort to improve the API for apps in the OIN, new app metadata contracts have been added to the Okta management API. Operators and developers can programmatically create instances of popular OIN apps in their ecosystem and set up the provisioning connection.

See OIN app request payloads in the Applications API (opens new window) and the Set up an app provisioning connection guide.

Content Security Policy for custom domains is GA in Production

The Content Security Policy (CSP) feature lets admins control which URLs may be linked to from customized sign-in and error pages in orgs that use custom domains. Admins add trusted URLs to Okta that link to items such as images and add these links to the code in their sign-in and error pages. This feature enhances security by enabling admins to allow only approved content to appear and prevent the introduction of potentially malicious code to these pages. See Content Security Policy (CSP) for your custom domain.

Developer documentation update in 2024.04.0

The OIN QA SCIM test plan file was updated. The following test cases were modified: C9319, C9320, C9321, C9360, and C9361.

Bug fixed in 2024.04.0

Users were able to unselect a saved SSO protocol for an integration submission in the OIN Wizard. (OKTA-710638)


Weekly release 2024.03.2

Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Bugs fixed in 2024.03.2 March 27, 2024

Bugs fixed in 2024.03.2

  • An admin was able to make a GET Policy request (/authorizationServers/{authorizationServerId}/policies/{policyId}) to an authorization server with no policies, using a policy ID from another authorization server with policies, and get that policy information returned. (OKTA-684225)

  • Client rate limiting configurations for the /login/login.htm endpoint were displayed incorrectly in the Rate Limit dashboard and were in an inconsistent state for some orgs. (OKTA-699914)

  • Okta sometimes incorrectly returned an Invalid Phone Number error during SMS factor enrollment. (OKTA-705078)

  • After an admin deleted a user, an internal server error sometimes occurred when the admin then made a LIST IdP users request (api/v1/idps/{idpId}/users). (OKTA-708102)

Weekly release 2024.03.1

Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Bug fixed in 2024.03.1 March 13, 2024

Bug fixed in 2024.03.1

One-time passcodes (OTPs) that were sent using a telephony inline hook weren't subject to rate limits. (OKTA-704319)

Monthly release 2024.03.0

Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Permission conditions for profile attributes is GA in Production March 7, 2024
Content Security Policy for custom domains is GA in Preview March 7, 2024
New mappings property for Policy API is EA in Preview March 7, 2024
AAL values for IdP March 7, 2024
Externally signed org AS access tokens March 7, 2024
Support case management for admins is GA in Preview March 7, 2024
Realms for Workforce March 7, 2024
Enhanced app API contracts March 7, 2024
Bugs fixed in 2024.03.0 March 6, 2024

Permission conditions for profile attributes is GA in Production

You can now apply conditions to the View users and their details and Edit users' profile attributes custom admin role permissions. Permission conditions help you limit the scope of a role by including or excluding admins' access to individual profile attributes. This gives you more granular control over your custom admin roles and helps meet your org's unique security needs. See Permission conditions (opens new window).

Content Security Policy for custom domains is GA in Preview

The Content Security Policy (CSP) feature lets admins control which URLs may be linked to from customized sign-in and error pages in orgs that use custom domains. Admins add trusted URLs to Okta that link to items such as images and add these links to the code in their sign-in and error pages. This feature enhances security by enabling admins to allow only approved content to appear and prevent the introduction of potentially malicious code to these pages. See Content Security Policy (CSP) for your custom domain.

New mappings property for Policy API is EA in Preview

A new mappings property is available for the links object in GET /api/v1/policies/{policyId} and GET /api/v1/policies?type={type} responses. This property displays links to policy mappings. See Policy API.

AAL values for IdP

The IdP configuration has been updated to include all allowed AAL values.

Externally signed org AS access tokens

Access tokens returned from the org authorization server are now signed using the externally published signing key. These access tokens must still be treated as opaque strings and not be validated or consumed by any application other than Okta.

Support case management for admins is GA in Preview

Super admins can now assign the View, create, and manage Okta support cases permission and Support Cases resource to a custom admin role. This allows delegated admins to manage the support cases that they've opened. See About role permissions (opens new window).

Realms for Workforce

Realms allows you to unlock greater flexibility in managing and delegating management of your distinct user populations within a single Okta org. See the Realms (opens new window) and Realm Assignments (opens new window) APIs.

Enhanced app API contracts

Okta has API documentation on creating instances of custom apps. Yet, it doesn't fully describe the app metadata required for features such as SSO and provisioning for apps installed from the Okta Integration Network (OIN). In an effort to improve the API for apps in the OIN, new app metadata contracts have been added to the Okta management API. Operators and developers can programmatically create instances of popular OIN apps in their ecosystem and set up the provisioning connection. See Set up an app provisioning connection.

Bugs fixed in 2024.03.0

  • Okta required a sharedSecret length of 16 characters when enrolling a Google Authenticator using the Factors API. Okta now accepts sharedSecret lengths between 16 and 32 characters. (OKTA-654920)

  • Some group claims failed if Okta Expression Language was used. (OKTA-660870)

  • An inline hook secured by an OAuth 2.0 token that had no expiry value returned an HTTP 400 Bad Request error. (OKTA-702184)


Weekly release 2024.02.2

Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Bugs fixed in 2024.02.2 February 22, 2024

Bugs fixed in 2024.02.2

  • Okta sometimes incorrectly returned an Invalid Phone Number error during SMS factor enrollment. (OKTA-683026)

  • Sometimes, an OAuth 2.0-secured inline hook that contained a custom domain authorization server in the token URL returned a null pointer exception error, instead of an appropriate error. (OKTA-656265)

  • User passwords could be updated to match the answer to the recovery question. (OKTA-654993)

Weekly release 2024.02.1

Change Expected in Preview Orgs
HTTP header filter February 22, 2024
Bug fixed in 2024.02.1 February 14, 2024

HTTP header filter

To improve the security of your org, Okta now filters and encodes any illegal unicode characters for outgoing HTTP headers.

Bug fixed in 2024.02.1

The List all enrolled Factors endpoint (GET /api/v1/users/{userId}/factors) returned an incorrectly prefixed ID for SMS factors with a PENDING ACTIVATION status. (OKTA-690496)

Monthly release 2024.02.0

Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Assign admin roles to an app June 14, 2023
DPoP support for Okta management APIs is GA in Production December 13, 2023
New attribute to manage SAML app session lifetimes is EA in Preview February 7, 2024
New function for email templates is EA in Preview February 7, 2024
POST requests now allowed to the logout endpoint February 7, 2024
Seamless ISV experience is GA in Production January 10, 2024
Developer documentation update in 2024.02.0 February 7, 2024
Bugs fixed in 2024.02.0 February 7, 2024

Assign admin roles to an app

Orgs can now assign admin roles to their custom API Service Integrations. Apps with assigned admin roles are constrained to the permissions and resources that are included in the role assignment. This helps ensure that apps only have access to the resources that are needed to perform their tasks and improves orgs' overall security. See Work with the admin component (opens new window).

DPoP support for Okta management APIs is GA in Production

You can now use OAuth 2.0 Demonstrating Proof-of-Possession (DPoP) access tokens to access Okta management APIs. See Configure OAuth 2.0 Demonstrating Proof-of-Possession.

New attribute to manage SAML app session lifetimes is EA in Preview

The samlAssertionLifetimeSeconds parameter is an optional SAML parameter that allows the IdP to control the session at the SP. This parameter allows users to add samlAssertionLifetimeSeconds as an attribute in the SAML assertion to control the session lifetimes of SP apps using the Okta IdP. See the Settings table in the Add custom SAML application section.

New function for email templates is EA in Preview

You can now use the getTimeDiffHoursNow function in each of the available email notification templates. If you want to add more locales when customizing email templates, you need to use this function instead of the formatTimeDiffHoursNowInUserLocale function. The new function returns only the time value in the specified unit. See Enable additional locales.

POST requests now allowed to the logout endpoint

You can now access the /oauth2/{id}/v1/logout and /oauth2/v1/logout endpoints with a POST request. See POST logout (opens new window).

Seamless ISV experience is GA in Production

Okta now provides a seamless ISV experience to optimize the Okta Integration Network (OIN) (opens new window) submission experience for SAML and OIDC integrations. This new experience enables independent software vendors (ISVs) to build and manually test their integration metadata before submission. This reduces the time needed for the OIN team to review and validate that the integration functions as intended, which shortens the time to publish in the OIN. This experience also incorporates communication processes in Salesforce, enabling improved collaboration internally within Okta teams and externally with ISVs. See Publish an OIN integration (opens new window) overview and Submit an SSO integration with the OIN Wizard (opens new window) guide.

Developer documentation update in 2024.02.0

  • Instructions for testing Okta REST APIs with Postman have been updated to provide OAuth 2.0 authentication set up and use. OAuth 2.0 is recommended to access Okta management APIs instead of the proprietary SSWS API token to ensure enhanced security.

    These instructions are now under References > Test APIs with Postman.

  • The Self-service registration guide is now easier to read and quicker to complete. All flow diagrams have been updated so they are easier to follow, and configuration instructions now match the current Admin Console.

Bugs fixed in 2024.02.0

  • Some call Factor enrollments were left in a pending activation state after enrollment or reset. (OKTA-649508)

  • When users signed in with an external Identity Provider and the multiple matching users error occurred, they were redirected to the sign-in page instead of the error page. (OKTA-658717)


Weekly release 2024.01.2

Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Content Security Policy for custom domains is EA in Preview January 31, 2024
IP restrictions on tokens January 31, 2024
Bugs fixed in 2024.01.2 January 31, 2024

Content Security Policy for custom domains is EA in Preview

The Content Security Policy (CSP) feature lets admins control which URLs may be linked to from customized sign-in and error pages in orgs that use custom domains. Admins add trusted URLs to Okta that link to items such as images and add these links to the code in their sign-in and error pages. This feature enhances security by enabling admins to allow only approved content to appear and prevent the introduction of potentially malicious code to these pages. See Content Security Policy (CSP) for your custom domain.

IP restrictions on tokens

Admins can specify allowlisted and blocklisted network zones for static, Single Sign-On Web System (SSWS) API tokens. This strengthens org security by letting them control where calls to Okta APIs can originate from. It also restricts attackers and malware from stealing SSWS tokens or replaying them outside of their IP range to gain unauthorized access.

Bugs fixed in 2024.01.2

  • POST requests to the /sessions/me/lifecycle/refresh endpoint didn't return an updated session cookie. (OKTA-665452)

  • System Log events for the access token, ID token, and user SSO grants didn't include externalSessionId. (OKTA-664370)

  • System Log events for access token and ID token grants didn't include user attributes. (OKTA-674218)

Monthly release 2024.01.0

Change Expected in Preview Orgs
DPoP support for Okta management APIs is GA in Preview December 13, 2023
Read-only permission for admin role assignments is GA in Production November 8, 2023
Seamless ISV experience is GA in Preview January 10, 2024
System Log events for IdP keystore operations January 10, 2024
Updated RADIUS authentication prompts January 10, 2024

DPoP support for Okta management APIs is GA in Preview

You can now use OAuth 2.0 Demonstrating Proof-of-Possession (DPoP) access tokens to access Okta management APIs. See Configure OAuth 2.0 Demonstrating Proof-of-Possession.

Read-only permission for admin role assignments is GA in Production

Super admins can now assign the View roles, resources, and admin assignments permission to their delegated admins. This permission gives admins a read-only view of the admin roles, resource sets, and admin assignments in the org. See About role permission (opens new window).

Seamless ISV experience is GA in Preview

Okta now provides a seamless ISV experience to optimize the Okta Integration Network (OIN) (opens new window) submission experience for SAML and OIDC integrations. This new experience enables independent software vendors (ISVs) to build and manually test their integration metadata before submission. This reduces the time needed for the OIN team to review and validate that the integration functions as intended, which shortens the time to publish in the OIN.

This experience also incorporates communication processes in Salesforce, enabling improved collaboration internally within Okta teams and externally with ISVs. See Publish an OIN integration overview and Submit an SSO integration with the OIN Wizard guide.

System Log events for IdP keystore operations

New System Log events are generated for IdP keystore operations:


Updated RADIUS authentication prompts

RADIUS authentication prompts are updated to be clearer.